What Sanjog Does

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Facilitates equity for marginalised groups

Sanjog focuses on the rights of victims of neglect, abuse, violence and exploitation by:
  • Enabling them to organise themselves to access services and entitlements from the system as citizens
  • Facilitating communication between the marginalised and the policy-makers, for better integration
  • Anchoring spaces for community-based and social action organisations to build strategic collective impact actions and create large, sustainable changes
  • Building new ideas that heal people, communities and systems, and in turn, help them evolve to achieve dreams and aspirations
  • Helping people, communities and systems heal from their injuries, strengthen resilience and instil trust
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Sanjog Works With

Sanjog Partners with Diverse Entities

Sanjog Partners with Diverse Entities
Social Impact

Philanthropist Ecosystems and Corporates

Empowering people within the system by:

  • Bridging the gap between financiers and implementers
  • Addressing the issues resulting from multiple stakeholder interactions
  • Empowering stakeholders in the ecosystem, and addressing the root cause
  • Challenging the imbalance of power in the hierarchy of the ecosystem

Print and Online Media

Facilitating critical thinking by:

  • Ensuring fact-driven and evidence-based knowledge dissemination
  • Supporting 1:1 interactions between journalists and reporters, and survivors and communities
  • Making robust and reliable research data accessible
  • Showcasing work across multiple media for greater visibility and future collaborations

Social Impact Organisations

Anchoring collaborative growth by:

  • Adopting a meritocratic approach towards existing and potential partners
  • Creating and sharing knowledge and actionable insights for mutual growth
  • Ensuring consensus among all stakeholders
  • Collaborating with international SIOs for global impact

Survivor Organisations

Empowering survivors and organisation through:

  • Psychosocial services and leadership building
  • Support to grassroots organisations
  • Design and research implementation
  • Capacity building and case management
  • Awareness generation and sensitisation
  • Policy engagement

Policymakers and Implementers

Improving government systems to help:

  • Build collective impact around trust
  • Ensure authenticity and transparency in reportage
  • Run collectives successfully
  • Develop policies and ensure implementation to achieve intended goals

Philanthropist Ecosystems and Corporates

Empowering people within the system by:

  • Bridging the gap between financiers and implementers
  • Addressing the issues resulting from multiple stakeholder interactions
  • Empowering stakeholders in the ecosystem, and addressing the root cause
  • Challenging the imbalance of power in the hierarchy of the ecosystem

Print and Online Media

Facilitating critical thinking by:

  • Ensuring fact-driven and evidence-based knowledge dissemination
  • Supporting 1:1 interactions between journalists and reporters, and survivors and communities
  • Making robust and reliable research data accessible
  • Showcasing work across multiple media for greater visibility and future collaborations
Social Impact

Social Impact Organisations

Anchoring collaborative growth by:

  • Adopting a meritocratic approach towards existing and potential partners
  • Creating and sharing knowledge and actionable insights for mutual growth
  • Ensuring consensus among all stakeholders
  • Collaborating with international SIOs for global impact

Survivor Organisations

Empowering survivors and organisation through:

  • Psychosocial services and leadership building
  • Support to grassroots organisations
  • Design and research implementation
  • Capacity building and case management
  • Awareness generation and sensitisation
  • Policy engagement

Policymakers and Implementers

Improving government systems to help:

  • Build collective impact around trust
  • Ensure authenticity and transparency in reportage
  • Run collectives successfully
  • Develop policies and ensure implementation to achieve intended goals
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